It's official.....Summer is here, with all the excitement it brings!  At times, the summer months, although fun and much anticipated, can have a full schedule pretty quickly. Spending quality family time, as in every season, is always at the top of the list!  What a perfect opportunity to cherish the memories in the great outdoors and spend time together in the garden! Give your kids ample opportunities to care for their own certain portion of the garden as you go out as a family, each working on the assigned area. Not only will they have the fulfillment of being all together, but they will reap the benefits of being responsible, confident, and feeling accomplished!

Speaking of accomplishments, Congratulations to the 2024 winners of our spring coloring contest, along with a big THANK YOU to all of the kid's who took the time to participate! We are always impressed with the creativity and time taken with each entry! Below, you will find pictures of the top winners and the gardens they planted to take care of at their homes this summer! Congratulations to the Runner Up winners as well!

What's summer without lemonade?  Here are some fun Lemon/Lemonade ideas to have your kids try.....

Grow a Lemon Tree

1) Go to the store and buy a lemon.

2) Cut a lemon in half and take out 3-4 seeds.

3) Wet a paper towel and add the seeds, folding over the towel so the seeds are covered.

4)Place the paper towel inside a Ziploc sandwich bag.

5)Place the bag in a dark warm spot (like a cabinet).

6)When the seeds germinate, plant in pots! (Takes a week or so)

7)Watch them grow!

Paper Lemonade Craft

Gather supplies: colorful paper, scissors, glue, a square-shaped sponge and white paint (to make ice cube prints), two regular-sized straws (to make one big straw), paper triangles, and lemon circles (out of yellow paper)

Cut a glass shape out of the construction paper and decorate it to resemble the picture to make the cutest glass of lemonade. Add the straw at the end for the final touch!

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Easy Homemade Lemonade Recipe

Follow this simple 3 ingredient recipe and add mint, basil, or thyme leaves from your herb garden for extra flavor. What a summertime refreshing drink!

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We can't wait to see you soon! Stop by during the summer to see all the planted flower beds and enjoy a stop in Kid's Village too!

Happy Summer from all your friends at Ebert's Greenhouse Village

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